这是 Minecraft 1.17 的第 19 个快照。
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一个 Minecraft Java 版快照
一个美味的快照出现了!这个快照为粗矿石 (Raw Ore) 材质带来一些调整,一点铜 (Copper) 的改动,还有《洞穴与山崖预览》数据包里新加的面条洞穴。
21W17A 内容改动
- 小型垂滴叶 (Small Dripleaf) 现在可以放置于苔藓块 (Moss Block) 上
- 铜矿石 (Copper Ore) 被开采时掉落 2-3 个粗铜 (Raw Copper),使用时运工具时会更多
- 铜块 (Copper Block) 现在可由 9 个铜锭 (Copper Ingot) 合成而得
- 调整了粗金属方块的材质
快照 21w17a 中的新粗矿石材质。单击这里查看全分辨率图像。
快照 21w17a 的面条洞穴。单击这里查看全分辨率图像。
- 大型矿脉被调整
- 添加了面条洞穴——更狭小、更弯曲、更幽闭恐惧的意面洞穴变种
- 矿脉现在稍微变得更罕见、更小(但它们依然很大!)
- 矿脉中的矿石更加聚集、更少均匀分布
- 如果你足够幸运,你能在矿脉中发现一个粗矿块
21W17A 错误修复
- MC-170443 - Banner copying recipe ignores existence of other items in crafting grid
- MC-187664 - World border uses float to determine its size, making some border sizes inaccessible, and cannot be set to 30 million or beyond
- MC-201269 - Constantly teleporting player to a phantom crashes the game/kicks the player
- MC-203570 - Candles aren’t grouped in the recipe book
- MC-203745 - Repeated teleport between dimensions causes the entity to duplicate on the client
- MC-204031 - Waxed Cut Copper (any level of weathered) have two separate recipes in the recipe book
- MC-214187 - Void platform generates multiple times
- MC-214735 - Horse disappears when dying while riding it and reloading the world while it’s unloaded
- MC-214838 - Big dripleaf stem remains after breaking a stem or leaf above it
- MC-214865 - Floating islands world type generates extreme terrain
- MC-219155 - Fishing line only starts on half distance between the fishing rod and bobber (Apple M1 only)
- MC-219840 - You cannot unlock the recipe for Mossy Stone Bricks
- MC-219842 - Recipes for mossy cobblestone and mossy stone bricks aren’t grouped
- MC-220033 - (Parity issue) Hanging Roots can’t be waterlogged
- MC-221560 - Copper/Coal Ore in Deepslate Patches aren’t Deepslate Ores
- MC-222008 - Empty/missing template pool error grammar mistake
- MC-222520 - Raw and Ore smelting previews aren’t grouped together
- MC-223055 - Amethyst buds and cluster have an unused blockstate
- MC-223792 - Shrinking world border with center past x/z 29999983 crashes the game